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Friday, August 8, 2008
Cusat syllabus (All Semesters)
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Cusat B.tech Semester 8 syllabus (1999,2000,2001 admissions)
CS 801 Advanced Architecture and Parallel Processing
Module I. Introduction to Parallel Processing-Shared Memory Multiprocessing-Distributed Memory-Parallel Processing Architectures- Introdution-Parallelism in sequential Machines—Abstract Model of Parallel Computer – Multiprocessor Architecture- Array Processors.
Module II. Pipelining and Super Scalar Techniques-Linear Pipeline Processors-Non-Linear Pipeline processors-Instruction pipeline design-Arithmetic pipeline Design- Super Scalar and Super pipeline Design.
Module III. Programmability Issues-An Overview-Operating system support-Types of Operating Systems-Parallel Programming models-Software Tools-Data Dependency Analysis- Types of Dependencies-Program Transformations.
Module IV. Shared Memory Programming-Thread –based Implementation-thread Management-Attributes of Threads- Mutual Exclusion with Threads- Mutex Usage of Threads- Thread implementation-Events and Conditions variables-Deviation Computation with Threads-Java Threads Distributed Computing –Message Passing Model-General Model-Programming Model- PVM.
Module V. Algorithms for Parallel Machines- Debugging Parallel programming –Other Parallelism Paradigms -Distributed Data Bases-Distributed Operating Systems.
Text Books
1. Kai Hwang, “Advanced Computer Architecture: Parallelism, Scalability, Programmability”, McGRawHill International Edition, 1993.
2. M.Sasikumar, et.al., "Introduction to Parallel Processing", PHI,
1. P. Pal Chaudhuri , “Computer Organisation and Design”, PHI,
2. William Stallings, “Computer Organisation and Architechture”, PHI,
3. “Proceedings of Third International Conference on High Performance Computing”, IEEE, Computer Society
4. “Parellel Processing”, Learning Material Series, Indian Society for Technical Education,
5. V.Rajaraman, C. Siva Ram Murthy, "Parallel Computers Architecture and Programming", PHI,
CS 802 Artificial Intelligence
Module I. Introduction - Problem spaces and search - Production systems - Characteristics. Heuristic search techniques - Generate and Test - Hill climbing -Best fit. Graph search - A* algorithm. Problem reduction - constraint satisfaction - Means and End analysis. Gameplaying - Minimax - Alpha-beta cut-off.
Module II. Logic and Deduction. Introduction to symbolic logic - Propositional logic - Well Formed Formula. Predicate Logic - predicates variables and constants - First order logic,Quantifiers. Forward chaining and Unification. Goal trees. Resolution by refutation.
Module III. Natural Language Processing - Levels of language. Expressing rules of syntax. Context Free Grammars. Dictionaries. Transformational grammar. Syntactic parsing. Top Down and Bottom up parsing. Transition Networks. Augmented Transition networks.(ATN). Syntax to Semantics. Case grammar - Syntactic use of Semantic knowledge. Problems of parsing Indian languages.
Module IV. Representing Knowledge. Procedural versus Declarative. Reasoning under uncertainty - Nonmonotonic reasoning - Statistical reasoning. Bayesian networks. Expert systems.- representing and using Domain knowledge - Expert system shell. Fuzzy Logic - Fuzzy sets - Fuzzy model - Fuzzy rule generation - Fuzzy inference systems. Fuzzy rule based expert systems.
Module V. Learning - Formal theory of learning. Neural Net learning. Introduction to Artificial Neural networks -Perception - Multi-Layer perceptron - Back Propagation algorithm - Unsupervised learning - Kohonen’s Network. Neuro-Fuzzy systems. Typical Applications.
1) Akshar Bharati, Vineet Chaitanya, Rajeev Sangal, “Natural Language Processing: A Paninian Perspective”, Prentice Hall India Ltd.,
2) Dan W.Patterson, “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems”, Prentice Hall India Ltd.,
3) Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight, “Artificial Intelligence”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 1990
4) Eugene Charmiak, Drew McDermott, “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence”, Addison Wesley ,
5) Nils J.Nillson, ‘Principles of Artificial Intelligence”, Morgan Kauffman Publishers Inc.,
6) Rober J,. Schalkoft, “Artificial Intelligence, An Engineering Approach”, McGraw-Hill Publishing company,
7) Winston, P.H., “Artificial Intelligence”, Addison Wesley Publishing House,
IT/CS 803 Internet Working
Module I. Introduction and overview – need for Internet – Internet architecture – Interconnection through IP gateways – TCP/IP layering – structure of TCP/IP software in an Operating system.
Module II. Network Interface Layer – Buffer management – Demultiplexing incoming packets – ARP : conceptual organization of ARP software – data structures for ARP cache – Input and Output processing – ARP cache management IP: IP software design – IP software organisation and datagram flow – IP: Routing – Routing table organisation – Data structures – Routing a datagram –ICMP message Formats – Implementation of ICMP messages.
Module III. TCP : Overview of TCP software – Transmission Control Blocks – TCP segment format - TCP finite state machine – Example State Transition – Declaration of the
Module IV. Client Server model and Software design – Concurrent processing in Client Server Software – Program interface to protocols – Socket interface – Algorithms and Issues in Client S/W design.
Module V. Algorithms and Issues in Server S/W design – Interactive connectionless Servers – Interactive connection oriented Server – Concurrent connection oriented Server Concurrency in Servers – Concurrency in Clients . Remote Procedure Call Concept – NFS concepts
1) Behrouz A.Farouzan, TCP/IP Protocol Suite, McGraw-Hill International Edition, 2000
2) Daniel Minoli, Internet and Intranet Engineering, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1999
3) Douglas E.Comer, Computer Networks and Internets, Prentice Hall, Second Ed., 1999
4) Douglas E.Comer, Internetworking with TCP/IP Volume II & III, Prentice Hall
CS 804 Distributed Computing
Module I. Distributed systems – architecture. Key characteristics – resource sharing openness –concurrency – scalability – fault tolerance – transparency. Design issues – naming – communication – software structure – workload allocation – consistency maintenance. User requirement – functionality – Quality of service – reconfigurability. Review of network protocols. Interprocess communication- building blocks – client server communication group communication. Interprocess communication in UNIX. Remote procedure calling. Design issues – interface definition language exception handling. Implementation - interface processing – communication handling. Binding. Case study – sun RPC – Java RMI.
Module II. Distributed Operating systems- kernel – processes and threads – Naming and protection - Communication and Invocation – virtual memory. Distributed file service - design issues – interfaces – implementation techniques. Case study sun NFS. Name service SNS and DNS.
Module III. Time and co-ordination. Synchronizing physical clocks -logical time and logical clocks. Distributed co-ordination –distributed mutual exclusion – elections. Replication – basic architectural model – consistency and request ordering.
Module IV. Shared data and transactions – client server – fault tolerance and recovery – transactions – nested transactions. Concurrency control - locks – optimistic concurrency control – timestamp ordering. Distributed transactions – atomic commit protocols – concurrency control in distributed transactions – distributed deadlocks – transactions with replicated data.
Module V. Recovery and fault tolerances. Transaction recovery – logging -shadow versions – fault model for transactions. Fault tolerance – characteristics. Hierarchical and group masking of faults. Security – authentication and key distribution – logic of authentication – digital signatures.
1) C.A.R.Hoare, “Communicating Sequential Processes”, Prentice Hall, 1980
2) Dimitri P.Bertsekas, John N.Tsitiklis, “Parallel and Distributed Computation : Numerical Methods”, Prentice Hall International, Inc., 1989
3) Douglas Comer and David L.Stevens, “Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol III: Client server Programming and Applications”,
4) George Coulouris, et. al., “Distributed Systems – Concepts and Design”, Second ed.,
5) Gerard Tel, “Introduction to Distributed Algorithms”,
6) H.S.M.Sedan, “Distributed Computer systems”, Butterworths,
7) Joel M.Crichlow, “Introduction to Distributed and Parallel Computing”, Prentice Hall,
6. M.Sasikumar, et.al., "Introduction to Parallel Processing", PHI,
Elective II
CS 805 (A) Electronic Commerce
Module I. Banking on the internet-investing on the internet-doing business on the internet-threats to e-commerce -e-commerce security
Module II. The web clients- introduction to JavaScript, vbscript-form validation - tables in html.
Module III. The web-server- Server side scritping , different technologies -Active server pagess(ASP) objects in ASP- perl - Java servlets request and response objects, cookies, mailing, database objects
Module IV. Secure channels-stored account payment systems-first virtual-cybercash -secure electronic transaction-stored value payment systems-pros and cons how e-cash works-securing e-cash-representing e-cash-e-cash-cyber coin-smart cards-mondex-visa cards.
Module V. Securing operating systems-firewall security-the network server vulnerabilities-defending the server -certifying components for security
1. E-commerce security-Anup.K.Ghosh, Wily computer publishing
2. E-commerce, the cutting edge of business-kamalesh K bajaj, Debjani nag, TMH publishing
3. Active Server Pages-Unleashed-Sams Press
4. Web Commerce Technology, Daniel Minoly, Tata McGrawhill,
Elective II
CS 805 (B) Software Architecture
Module I. Software Architecture –Introduction-Architectural Styels-Pipes and Filters-Data Abstraction and Object Oriented Organization-Event based, Implicit Invocation-Layered Systems-Repositories-Interpreters-Process Control-Process control Paradigms-Software Paradigm for Process Control-Distributed processes-Main program / subroutine organizations – Domain – specific software architecture – heterogeneous architectures .
Module II. Shared Information Systems – Data base integration –Batch sequential – Simple Repository – Virtual Repository – Hierarchical Layers – Evolution of Shared Information Systems in Business Data Processing – Integration in Software Development Environments – Integration in Design of Buildings- Architectural Structures for Shared Information Systems.
Module III. Architectural Design Guidance- Guidance for User-Interface Architectures -Design Space and rules-Design Space for User Inter face Architectures-Design. Rules for User Interface Architecture applying the Design Space – Example – A Validation Experiment – How the Design Space Was Prepared .
Module IV. Value of Architectural Formalism – Formalizing the Architecture of a Specific System – Formalizing an Architectural Style – Formalizing an Architectural Design.Linguistic Issues – Requirements for Architecture - Description Languages - First Class Connectors – Adding Implicit Invocation to Traditional Programming Languages .
Module V. Tools for Architectural Design – UniCon : Universal Connector Language – Exploiting Style in Architectural Design Environments –Architectural Interconnection – Education of Software Architects.
Mary Shaw, David Garlan, "Software Architecture", Prentice Hall
Elective II
IT/CS 805 (C) Algorithms and Complexity
Module I
Review of concepts : Algorithms and Complexity – Models of computation – Sorting Algorithms and order statistics – set manipulation problems – Algorithms on graphs and digraphs – pattern matching algorithms-NP complete problems.
Module II
Dynamic Programming : Introduction-matrix multiplication and optimal binary search trees-approximate string matching-distances in graphs and digraphs.
Module III
Matrices and Fast Fourier Transforms : strassen algorithm – matrix inversion- decomposition- Boolean matrix multiplication-Fast Fourier Transform and applications.
Module IV
Integer and Polynomial arithmetic – integer and polynomial multiplication and division – modular arithmetic – Chinese remaindering –
Module V
Parallel Algorithms-Parallelism-PRAM and other models – PRAM and other models-PRAM algorithms – handling write conflicts- merging and sorting-parallel connected component algorithm – lower bounds.
References :-
1. Brassard G and Brately P Algorithmics : Theory and Practice, Prentice Hall, 1988.
2. Atho A V , Hopcroft J E and Ullman J D, The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms, Addison Wesley, 1974.
3. Melhron K, Data Structure and Algorithms, Volume II and III, Springer – Verlag, 1984.
4. Baase S, Computer Algorithms : Introduction to Design and Analysis (Second Edition), Addison Wesley, 1993.
Manber U , Introduction to Algorithms : A creative approach, Addison-Wesley, 1989.
CS 806 Major Project
CS 807 Viva Voce
Cusat B.tech Semester 7 syllabus (1999,2000,2001 admissions)
CS 701 Computer Networks
Module I. Introduction - Network architecture - OSI Reference Model - services. Physical layer - review of data communication - digital transmission - transmission and switching - ISDN - architecture - terminal handling. medium access sublayer - LAN - MAN - ALOHA protocols. LAN - CSMA/CD - IEEE standards - Fibre optics - FDDI.
Module II. Data link layer - design issues - error detection and correction - Error correcting codes - Error detection codes. Elementary data link protocols - sliding window protocols. Protocol specification and verification.
Module III. Network layer - design issues - routing algorithms - shortest path - multipath - isolated routing. Flooding - distributed routing - optimal routing - flow based routing - hierarchical routing - broadcast routing. Congestion control algorithms. Internetworking - bridges and gateway. Example system - TCP/IP - internet protocol - addressing scheme - IP header - subnet - Address Resolution Protocol(ARP) - Reverse Address Resolution Protocol - IP routing - dynamic routing.
Module IV. Transport layer. Services - connection management - addressing. Flow control and buffering - multiplexing - crash recovery -
Module V. Session layer - design issues - rpc. Presentation layer - abstract syntax notation - data compression and cryptography. Application layer - design issues. Case study - Services provided at higher layer in TCP/IP protocol suite. File Transfer Protocol(FTP) - Telnet - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol(SMTP). World Wide Web(WWW) - Wide Area Indexed Servers(WAIS), WAP
1) Andrew S.Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks”, Prentice Hall
2) Anil Ananthaswamy, “Data Communication Using Object Oriented Design and C++”, Tata McGraw-Hill,
3) Dimitri Bertsckers, Robert Gallage, “Data Networks”, 2nd. ed., Prentice Hall
4) Douglas Comer and David L. Stevens, “Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol. I, II, and III”, Prentice Hall,
5) Richard Stevens. W, “TCP/IP Utilities - Vol. I, The protocols”, Addison Wesley, 1994
6) Sidnie Feit, “TCP/IP, Architecture, Protocols and implementation”,
7) Uyless Black, “Computer Networks - Protocols, Statndards and Interfaces”, Prentice Hall
CS 702 Object Oriented Modeling and Design
Module I. Overview of Object oriented System development – Object basics – classes – attributes – object behavior and methods – object response to messages – Encapsulation and information hiding – class hierarchy – polymorphism – object relationship and associations – aggregations and object containment – object and identity- static and dynamic binding – object persistence – meta classes. Object oriented systems development life cycle.
Module II. Object oriented methodologies. Object Modeling techniques. Booch methodology. The Jacobson et. al. Methodologies – patterns – frameworks – The Unified approach- Unified Modeling language – introduction – static and dynamic models – UML diagrams – UML class diagram – Use case diagram – UML dynamic modeling – Model management packages and model organisation – UML extensibility
Module III. Object oriented analysis Process identifying. Use cases – introduction – use case driven object oriented analysis – Business Process modeling _ Use case model. Developing effective documentation. Object analysis. Classification - identifying object relationship, attributes and methods.
Module IV. Object oriented design- Object oriented design process and Design axioms – Design patterns – Designing classes- object oriented design philosophy- UML Object constraint language- Designing classes. The process – class visibility-refining attributes-designing methods and protocols-packages and managing classes.
Module V. Distributed databases and client server computing –Distributed objects- Common Object request broker architecture- RMI – ACTIVEX/DCOM- Multi database systems. Software quality. Soft ware Qualtiy assurance – Quality assurance test – testing strategies - impact of object orientation on testing
1. James Rumbaugh et.al., Object Oriented Modeling and Design, Prentice Hall
2. Grady Booch, Object oriented Design, Benjamin Cummings
3. James Rumbasugh, Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson, The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, Addison Wesely
4. Stephen R.Schach, “Classical and Object oriented Software Engineering, McGrawHill,1999
5. Ali Bahrami, “Object Oriented Systems Development”,
6. Thomas Wu, "An introduction object oriented programming with Java", Mcgraw-Hill,1999
CS 703 Analysis & Design of Algorithms
Module I. Analysing Algorithms and problems. Classifying functions by their asymptotic growth rate. Review of data structures. Lists, queues, graphs and trees. Recursive procedures. Induction proofs. Proving correctness of procedures. Recurrence equations.
Module II. Analysis of searching and sorting. Insertion sort, quick sort, merge sort and heap sort. Lower bounds for sorting by comaprison of keys. Comparison of sorting algorithms. Finding max and min. Finding the second largest key.
Module III. Graphs and graph traversals. Strongly connected components of a Directed graph. Biconnected components of an undirected graph. Minimum Spanning tree algorithms.
Module IV. Transitive closure of a Binary relation. Warshalls algorithm for Transitive closure. All pair shortest path in graphs. Dynamic programming. Subproblem graphs and their traversal. Constructing optimal binary search trees.
Module V. Complexity Theory - Introduction. P and NP. NP-Complete problems. Approximation algorithms. Bin packing.Graph coloring. Travelling salesperson Problem.
1) A.V.Aho, J.E.Hopcroft and J.D. Ullman, “The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms”,
2) Allen Van Gelder, Sara Baase, "Computer Algorithms - Introduction to Design and Analysis", 3rd ed., Addison Wesley, 2000
3) E Horowitz and
4) Jeffrey H.Kingston, “Algorithms and Data Structures - Design, Correctness and Analysis ”, Addison Wesley,
5) Knuth, “Art of Computer Programming Vol II, Sorting and Searching,”, Prentice Hall
6) Thomas H.Cormen, “Algorithms”, Prentice Hall, 1996
Module I. Overview of Graphics systems. Video display devices - Raster scan systems - Random Scan systems - input devices. Hardcopy devices - Graphic Software. Output primitives - points and lines. Line drawing algorithms - circle generating algorithms - polygon filling algorithms. Output attributes - Bundled attributes. Antialiasing. Graphical user interface - Logical classification of input devices.
Module II. Two dimensional transformations. basic transformations - translation - rotation - scaling. Matrix representation and homogeneous cordinates - composite transformations. Transformation between cordinate systems - Affine transformations. Two dimensional viewing - viewing pipeline - Windows to viewport transformations - clipping operations - point clipping - line clipping - polygon clipping.
Module III. Three dimensional object representations. polygon surfaces - curved surfaces. Spline representations - Hermite polynomials - Cubic splines - Bezier curves - B-splines. Octrees and BSP trees. Fractal geometry methods. Three dimensional transformations.. Three dimensional viewing. Projections. View volumes. Three dimensional clipping - Hardware implementation.
Module IV. Visible surface detection. Classification of visible surface detection algorithms. Back face detection - Depth buffer - A-buffer. Scan line algorithms- Depth sorting - Area subdivision methods octrees - BSP trees - octrees - Ray casting.
Module V. Shading . Illumination models - light sources. Basic Illumination models. Polygon rendering - constant intensity - Goraud shading - Phong shading . Ray tracing. Radiosity. Texture mapping. Color models. Introduction to Animation. Raster animation - - Key frame systems - Morphing - Motion specifications. Introduction to Virtual reality - Virtual Reality Modellling Language(VRML).
Text Book
Donald Hearn , M Pauline Baker, “Computer Graphics”, Prentice Hall India Pvt. Ltd.,1993
1) Alan Watt, Mark Watt, “Introduction to Animation and Rendering”, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1994
2) James D.Foley et.al., “Introduction to Computer Graphics”, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1994
3) “Computer Graphics”, Learning Material Series, Indian Society for Technical Education,
Elective I
IT/EB/CS/EC 705(A) Digital Image Processing
Module I. Image representation and modelling - enhancement - restoration - Image analysis and reconstruction - image data compression. Two dimensional systems - linear systems and shift invariance. Fourier transform - Z - transform - Block matrices and Kronecker products - Random signals
Module II. Image perception - introduction - light - luminance - brightness and contrast - MTF of the visual system - visibility - function - monochrome vision models - color representation - color matching and reproduction - color vision model Image sampling and quantization - Two dimensional sampling theory -reconstruction of images from its samples - Myquistrate - aliasing - sampling thorem. Practical limits in sampling reconstruction. Image quantization - visual quatization.
Module III. Image transforms - Two dimensional orthogonal and unitary transforms - properties of unitary transforms - one dimensional DFT - cosine, sine Harmrd and Haar transforms
Module IV. Image enhancement - Point operations - contrast stretching - clipping and thresholding - digital negative intensity level slicing - bit extraction. Histogram modelling - histogram equalisation - modification. Spatial operations - smoothing techniques. Magnification and interpolation. Transform operations. Color image enhancement.
Module V. Image analysis and computer vision - spatial feature extraction - transform features. Edge detection - gradient operators - compass operators - stochastic gradients - line and spot detection.
1) Jain Anil K , “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing-” , Prentice Hall
2) Gonzalez Rafel C, Wintz Paul , “Digital Image Processing,-”, Addison Wesley
3) Pratt William K , “Digital Image Processing, “, John Wiley and Sons
4) Rosenfield Azriel, Kak Avinash C, ” Digital Picture Processing”, Academic Press Inc.
CS 705(B) Simulation and Modelling
Module I. Basic Simulation modelling. The Nature of simulation - systems, models and simulation - Types of simulation - continuos and Discrete simulation - Application of simulation. Digital simulation of continuos system.
Module II. Generation of random numbers - statistical test for randomness - generation of random varieties. Discrete systems simulation -Components and organisation of discrete event simulation model - Time advance mechanisms - Event to Event model and fixed time incremental model. Basic structure of queuing model - steady state and transient conditions - Birth and Death process - Simulation of queuing systems.
Module III. Simulation software - comparison of simulation languages with general purpose languages - classification of simulation software. Modelling approaches - common modelling elements - desirable software features - General features of GPSS, SIMSCRIPT and SIMULA.
Module IV. Model Development process - introduction and definitions - principles of valid simulation modelling - verification of simulation computer programmes - general perspectives on validation - three step approach for developing valid and credible simulation models.
Module V. Introduction to visualisation in scientific computing - flow visualisation and volume visualisation - distributed and parallel visualisation - applications. High performance architecture for scientific computing - vector processors - multiple memory modules - attached vector processors - multiprocessor architecture.
Text Book
Averil M Law, David Kelton W, “Simulation Modelling and Analysis”, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw Hill,
1) Hugh J Watson, John H.Blackstone Jr., “Computer Simulation”, 2nd edition, Wiely Eastern
2) Harold S.Stone “High Performance Computer Architecture”, 3rd edition, Addison Wesley
3) Kai Hwang, “Advanced Computer Architecture”, Mc-Graw Hill Inc.,
4) Hamacher.C.V, “Computer Organisation”, McGraw-Hill, 4th edition,
Elective I
EB/EC/CS 705(C) Artificial Neural Networks
Module I. Fundamentals of ANN – Biological prototype – Neural Network Concepts, Definitions - Activation. Functions – single layer and multilayer networks. Training ANNs – perceptrons – Exclusive OR problem – Linear seperability – storage efficiency – perceptron learning - perceptron training algorithms – Hebbian learning rule - Delta rule – Kohonen learning law – problem with the perceptron training algorithm.
Module II. The back propagation Neural network – Architecture of the back propagation Network – Training algorithm – network configurations – Back propagation error surfaces – Back propagation learning laws – Network paralysis _ Local minima – temporal instability
Module III. Counter propagation Networks – Architecture of the counter propagation network – Kohonen layer – Training the Kohonen layer – preprocessing the input vectors – initialising the weight vectors – Statisitical propertie. Training the Grossberg layer- Feed forward counter propagation Neural Networks – Applications.
Module IV. Statistical methods – simulated annealing – Bloltzman Training – Cauchy training -artificial specific heat methods. Application to general non-linear optimization problems – back propagation and cauchy training.
Module V. Hopfield net – stability – Associative memory – statistical Hopfield networks – Applications – ART NETWORKS – GENETIC ALGORITHMS –Bidirectional Associative memories- retreiving stored information. Encoding the association – continous BAMS
1) Linus Fe, Neural Network in Computer Intelligence , McGrawHill
2) Philip D.Wasserman, Neural Computing(Theory and Practice)
3) Robert Hecht-Nilson, Neuro Computing
4) James A.Anderson, An Introduction to Neural Networks
5) Jack M. Zureda, Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems
CS 706 Network and Operating systems Lab
1. Study of system level calls of a suitable multitasking operating system. Exercises involving the system calls. (E.g. fork(),exec(),create() etc. in UNIX.)
2. Inter process communication. Shared memory, messages, Semaphores and monitors. Implementation of typical problems(E.g. Bounded buffer, Dining Philosophers. etc.)
3. Study of Communication protocols. TCP/IP or a suitable protocol. Client server programming. Distributed algorithms. performance modelling of networks.
4. Internet programming using a suitable programming language and Operating system(E.g. JAVA)
Programming assignments on
1. Transformations
2. Polygon filling
3. Hidden surface elimination
4. Shading and Illumination models
Cusat B.tech Semester 6 syllabus (1999,2000,2001 admissions)
EI/EC/CS 601 Digital Signal Processing
Module I. Introduction to discrete time signals & system - Discrete time signals and systems - Properties of discrete systems - linearity - time invariance - causality - stability - convolution - difference equation representation of discrete systems - The Z transform - properties of Z transform - the inverse Z transform - System function.
Module II. Discrete Fourier Transform & Fast Fourier Transform. Discrete Fourier series - properties - discrete fourier transform - properties - block convolution - decimation in - time FFT algorithms - decimation in - frequency FFT algorithms - FFT algorithms for N a composite number.
Module III. FIR Digital Filters Realizations - direct - cascade - lattice forms - hardware implementation - FIR filter design using Fourier series - use of window functions - frequency sampling design.
Module IV. IIR Digital Filters Realizations - Direct - Cascade - Parallel forms - hardware implementation - Analog filter approximations - Butterworth and chebychev approximations - The method of mapping of differentials - impulse invariant transformation - Bilinear transformation - Matched Z transform technique.
Module V. Finite word length effects in digital filters - Fixed point arithmetic - Floating point arithmetic - Block floating point arithmetic - Truncation - Rounding - Quantization error in analog to digital conversion - finite register length effects in IIR & FIR filters Limit cycles. Digital signal processing application (Only brief description required) Soft ware implementation of digital filters- Architecture of typical DSP processor .
Reference :-
1) Oppenheim & Ronald W Schafer,” Digital Signal Processing”, Prentice Hall
2) .Andreas Antoniou , “Digital Filters Analysis & Design”,
3) R Rabiner & B. Gold , “Theory & Application of Digital Signal processing”,
4) Andreas Antoniou , “Digital Signal Processing”, Prentice Hall
5) John G Proakis & Dimitris G Manolakis ,”Digital Signal Processing “, Prentice Hall
6) Sanjit K.Mithra , , “Digital Signal Processing”, Tata Mc –Graw Hill.
7) Douglas K.Lindner, “Introduction to signals &Systems” Mc Graw Hill.
Module I. Introduction to Operating Systems. Extended Machine - Operating System Structure . Processes - Interprocess Communication - Race Conditions - Critical Sections - Mutual Exclusion - Busy Waiting - Sleep And Wakeup - Semaphores - Event Counters - Monitors - Message Passing. Process Scheduling - Round Robin Scheduling - Priority scheduling - multiple queues - Shortest Job First - Guaranteed scheduling - Two-level scheduling.
Module II. Memory management. Multiprogramming. Multiprogramming and memory usage - Multiprogramming with fixed partitions. Swapping - multiprogramming with variable partitions - Memory management with bit maps, linked lists, Buddy system - allocation of swap space. Virtual memory - paging and page tables, associative memory - inverted page tables. Page replacement algorithms. Design issues for paging systems - Working set model. Example systems.
Module III. File systems and I/O files. Directories - File system implementation - security and protection mechanisms. Principles of I/O hardware - I/O devices - device controllers - DMA. Principles of I/O software - interrupt handlers - device drivers - Disk scheduling - clocks and terminals.
Module IV. Deadlock - conditions for deadlock - deadlock modelling. Deadlock detection and recovery. Deadlock avoidance - resource trajectories - safe and unsafe states - bankers algorithm. Deadlock prevention. Two phase locking – non-resource deadlocks - starvation.
Module V. Introduction to distributed operating systems - distributed systems - design issues. Client server model. Remote procedure call. Synchronisation in distributed systems - clock synchronisation - concurrency control - Deadlocks in distributed systems. Process management - threads - system models - processor allocation algorithms - distributed file systems.
UNIX operating system
Andrew S. Tanenbaum, “Modern Operating Systems”, Prentice Hall, 1991
1) Bach, M.J., “Design of UNIX Operating System”, Prentice Hall
2) Charles Crowley, “Operating systems – A Design Oriented Approach”, Tata McGrawhill, 1997
3) D.M.Dhamdhere, “System Programming and Operating Systems”, Tata McGraw-Hill,1996
4) Deital, H.M., “Operating Systems”, Addison Wesley, 1992
5) Garry Nutt, “Operating Systems – A Modern perspective ”, Second Edition, Addison Wesley, 2000
6) Pradeep K.Sinha, “Distributed Operating Systems”, Tata McGrahill, 1998
7) Silberschatz et.al., “Operating System Concepts”, Addison Wesley, 1993
8) William Stallings, “Operating systems”, Prentice Hall, 1997
CS 603 Software Engineering
Module I. Software Engineering Paradigms - Classic life cycle - spiral model. Software metrics - Software productivity and quality - Size oriented and function oriented metrics. Software project management - software project estimation. Line of Code and function point estimation. Empirical estimation - COCOMO model Putnam estimation. Automated estimation tools. Project planning - project scheduling - Software Reengineering.
Module II. System and Software Requirement Analysis. Computer Systems Engineering - System Analysis - Modelling the system architecture - requirement analysis. Structural analysis and its extensions. Basic notations - Data flow diagrams. Behaviour modelling. Object oriented analysis and data modelling - Object oriented concepts - Object oriented analysis and modelling - Data modelling concepts. Alternate models - Data structure oriented methods -
Module III. Software Design Fundamentals - Abstraction - Refinement - Modularity - Information hiding. Effective modular design - Architectural Design - Procedural design. Data flow oriented design - Transform analysis - Transaction Analysis. Object Oriented design. Object Oriented Design Concepts - Objects -operations and messages. Design issues. Classes, Instances and Inheritance. Object oriented Design methods - Classes and object Definition. Notation for Object Oriented Design.
Module IV. Data oriented Design methods - Design and Data structures -
Module V. Programming Language and coding. Language characteristics. Software quality assurance- formal technical reviews - software quality metrics. Formal methods. Proof of correctness. Software reliability. Reliability models. Software testing techniques - Different methods of testing - Testing for real-time systems. Automated testing tools. Software testing strategies. Software maintenance. Software configuration management. Computer Aided Software Engineering(CASE). Tools for project management - support - Analysis and design - programming and testing. Prototyping tools. Case and Artificial Intelligence. Software standards - Capability Maturity Model - SEI levels. ISO standards. Alternate Software Development Paradigms - Open Source Software Development -issues
1) Ali Bahrami, "Classical and Object Oriented Software Engineering", McGrawHill International, 1999
2) Ali Behforooz and Frederick J.Hudson, "Software Engineering Fundamentals",
3) Booch G.,” Object Oriented Design”, Benjamin Cummings, 1990
4) Brooks F., “The Mythical Man Month”,
5) Edward Yourdon, “Modern Structured Analysis” , Prentice hall India Ltd.,
6) Eric S. Raymond, "Bazar and the Cathedral, http://www.opensource.org/
7) Ian Sommerville, “Software Engineering”, 5th ed., Addison Wesley, 1997
8) James Rumbaugh et al , “Object oriented Modelling and Design”, Prentice hall India Ltd., 1992
9) Roger S Pressman, “Software Engineering , A Practitioners Approach”, McGraw-Hill Inc., 4th edition
CS 604 Compiler Construction
Module I. Introduction to compilers - Different Phases. Lexical Analysis - input buffering - specification of tokens - Recognition of tokens - lexical Analyser generators - lex - Finite Automata - Regular expressions to finite automata . Design of lexical analysers generator.
Module II. Syntax Analysis. Context free grammar - Elimination of ambiguity - elimination of left recursion. Top down parsing - Recursive descent parsing - predictive parsers Construction of predictive parsing tables. Bottom Up Parsing - Shift reduce parsing Operator precedence parsing - precedence relations and functions. LR parsers - LR parsing algorithms - LR grammars - Construction of SLR, Canonical and LALR parsing tables. Parser generators - Case study - Yacc.
Module III. Syntax directed Translation. Syntax directed definitions - Synthesised and inherited attributes - Dependency graphs. Construction of syntax trees - syntax tree. Bottom up evaluation of S-attributed definition - L -attributed definitions. Type checking - type systems - static and dynamic type checking.
Module IV. Run time Environment. Storage organisation schemes - Activation records - Compile time layout. Storage allocation strategies - static allocation - stack allocation - heap allocation. Accessing non-local names. Parameter passing mechanisms.
Module V. Symbol tables -representing scope information. Intermediate code generation - intermediate languages - declaration and assignment statements. Code generation. issues - memory management - instruction selection - register allocation. Runtime storage allocation. basic blocks and flow graphs. Code optimisation. Principal sources of optimisation - function preserving transformations - common subexpressions - copy propagation - dead-code elimination - loop optimisation - code motion - strength reduction.
Text Books
Alfred V.Aho et.al., “Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools”, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1986
1) Alfred V.Aho, Jeffrey D. Ullman., “Principles of Compiler Design”, Narosa Publishing House, 1990
2) Allen Holub, “Compiler Design in C”, Prentice Hall India Pvt. Ltd., 1991
3) Arthur B. Pyster, “Compiler Design and Construction”, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company,
4) David Gries, “Compiler Construction for Digital computers”, John Wiley and Sons,1980
5) Henk Albalas, “Albert Nymer, Practice and Principles of Compiler Building with C”, Prentice Hall, 1996
6) Jean Paul Tremblay, “Introduction to Compiler Writing”, McGrawhill,1988
7) “Compiler Construction” , Learning Material Series, Indian Society for Technical Education,
EB/EI/CS/EC 605 Control Systems Engineering
Module I. Basic idea of control systems and their classification - differential equations of systems - linear approximation - Laplace transform and transfer function of linear system - Model of physical system ( Electrical, mechanical and electromechanical )- block diagram - signal flow graph - Mason’s gain formula.
Module II. Time domain analysis - Representation of deterministic signals - First order system response - S-plane root location and transient response - impulse and step response of second order systems - performance - characteristics in the time domain - effects of derivative and integral control - steady state response - error constant - generalised definition of error coefficients - concepts of stability - Routh - Hurwitz criterion.
Module III. Frequency domain analysis - frequency response - Bode plot, Polar plot, Nicol's chart - closed loop frequency response and frequency domain performance characteristics . Stability in the frequency domain . Nyquist criterion.
Module IV. Root locus method - basic theory and properties of root loci - procedure for the construction of root loci - complete root locus diagram. Design and compensation of feed back control system :- approaches to compensation - cascade compensation networks and their design in the frequency domain - simple design in S-plane.
Module V. State variable methods :- introduction to state variable concepts - state variable description of linear dynamic systems - representation in matrix forms - block diagram and signal flow graph representation of state equations - Transfer matrix from state equations - transition matrix - general solution for linear time invariant state equations. Control system components :- Error detectors , servomotor, tachogenerator, servo amplifier, magnetic amplifier, rotating amplifier - Basic principles of adaptive control systems.
1) Ogata K, “ Modern Control Engineering”, Prentice Hall
2) Kuo B. C , “Automatic Control System”, Prentice Hall
3) Nagarath & Gopal, “ Control System Engineering”, Wiley Eastern
4) M Gopal, “ Control Systems principles and design” , Tata Macgraw Hill
CS 606 Compiler Design Lab
1. Lexical Analysis - regular expression. Lexical Analyser generator- Use of Lex to generate scanners.
2. Writing parsers - Recursive descent parsers. Development of LALR(1) parsers using yacc
3. Symbol tables and intermediate code generation.
4. Developing a compiler for a subset of a programming Language.
Cusat B.tech Semester 5 syllabus (1999,2000,2001 admissions)
Module I. Introduction system software and machine Architecture. – Instruction formats and Addressing modes – Program relocation – linking – one pass and two pass assemblers.- symbol tables
Module II. Loaders and linkers – absolute and bootstrap loader. Data structures for linker and loader linkage editors dynamic linking
Module III. Macros – macro definition and expansion . algorithms and data structures. Conditional macro expansion. Generation of unique labels. Recursive macro expansion
Module IV. Compilers – Introduction to grammars – lexical analysis and parsing. Different types of parsers. Intermediate code generation. Storage allocation. Code generation and optimization
Module V. Operating Systems. General structure. Process management and scheduling. Interprocess communication. Memory management virtual memory – paging and segmentation. File and device management – file system concepts
1. Leland L.Beck, “System Software – An Introuction to System Programming”,
2. D.M.Dhamdhere, "System Programming and Operating Systems”, 2ond Ed., Tata Mcgrawhill
MRE/IT/ME/EC/EB/EI/SE/ CS 502 Industrial Organisation & Management
Module I
Organisation : Concept of organisation, characteristics of organisation, elements of organisation, organisational structure, organisation charts, Types of organisation- formal line, military or scalar organisation, functional organisation, line & staff organisation, project organisation, matrix organisation, authority and responsibility, span of control, delegation of authority.
Industrial ownership: Types of ownership- single ownership, partnership, joint stock company, co-operative societies, public sector, private sector, scientific management- review of different schools of thoughts.
Module II
Personal Management: Recruitment and training, labour turnover, operator training, suggestion systems.
Industrial safety: working conditions, environmental factors, psychological attitude to work and working conditions, fatigue, accidents and hazards.
Wages and Incentives: feature of wages, time and piece rate, different incentive plans, profit sharing, job evaluation and merit rating, factors of comparison and point rating.
Industrial relations: industrial disputes, collective bargaining, trade unions, workers’ participation in management, labour welfare.
Module III
Marketing Management: Concept of marketing VS sales approach, consumer behaviour and demand concept, buying motives, influence of income level, product design, new product distribution, pricing decisions, major price policy considerations, pricing methods and tools, break even analysis and marginal costing in pricing, sales promotion, marketing research, test marketing, marketing of services, advertising management- types of advertising, choice of media, economic and psychological factors in advertising.
Module IV
Finance Management : Tasks, evolution of corporate management, long term financing, equity, preference and debenture capitals, term loans, dividends and share valuation, legal aspects of dividends, short term financing, working capital influencing factors, cash budgeting, terms of liquidity, management of receivable and inventories, budgets and budgetary control-objectives of budgeting, classification, ratio analysis.
Module V
Management accounting: Fundamentals of book keeping, journalising, ledger accounts, subdivision of journal, cash book, banking transactions, trial balance, preparation of trading, profit and loss account, and balance sheet, adjustments.
1. Industrial Organisation and Management :
2. Principles of Industrial Management : Kootnz & Donnel
3. Financial Management : Prasanna Chandra, Tata McGraw Hill
4. Operation Management : Fabricky et al, Tata McGraw Hill
5. Hand Book of MBO : Reddin & Ryan, Tata McGraw Hill.
6. Industrial finance of
7. First steps in book keeping : J B Batliboi
8. Management accounting : Hingrani & Bemnath.
EB/EI/CS/EC 503 Microprocessor System Design
Module I. Interfacing of Peripheral Chips with 8085 :- Programmable peripheral interface ( Intel 8255 ) - Programmable communication interface ( Intel 8251 ) - Programmable interval timer(Intel 8253 and 8254). Programmable Keyboard /display controller(Intel 8279). Programmable Interrupt Controller( 8259) - DMA controller (Intel 8257)-- block diagram, interfacing, initialisation program and its application s. Serial and parallel bus standards - RS 232 C , IEEE 488, Centronics
Module II. Architecture of typical 16 bit microprocessors ( Intel 8086 ) - Memory address space and data organisation - Segment registers and memory segmentation - I/O address space - Addressing modes - Comparison of 8086 and 8088 - Basic 8086/8088 configuration - Minimum mode - Maximum mode - System timing. – bus interface. Interrupts and interrupt priority management.
Module III. Instruction set, Assemblers, Assembly level programming and programming examples in 8086.Introduction to IBM PC Architecture, peripherals & interface buses.
Module IV. Introduction to 80386 ,80486,and Pentium family processors,- - interrupts and exceptions management of tasks - - Real, protected and virtual mode- Super scalar architecture , intelligent branch prediction and pipelining .Introduction to Pentium and Pentium pro architectures. Introduction to RISC & CISC architecture .
Module V. Introduction to microcontrollers - comparison with microprocessors - Study of microcontroller (MCS 51 family) - Architecture , instruction set, addressing modes and programming .,typical applications.
References :-
1) YU-Cheng Liu & Glenn A Gibson,” Microprocessor System , Architecture Programming & Design
3) Avtar Singh , “IBM PC/ 8088 Assembly Language Programming”
4) Scott Muller , “Upgrading and repairing IBM Pcs”
5) James L Hardey , “Advanced 80386 Programming Techniques
6) Intel Users manual for 8086, 80386 & 80486, Pentium & Pentium pro
7) “Microprocessor Systems”, Learning Material Series, ISTE, NewDelhi,1997
CS 504 Automata Languages and Computation
Module I.
Module II. Regular expressions - Equivalence of Finite Automata and regular expressions. Finite Automata with output.
Module III. Context Free Grammars. - Derivation of Languages - Derivation trees. Ambiguity. Simplification. Chomsky
Module IV. Turing machines - Computation - languages and functions. Techniques for Turing machine construction - storage in finite control - multiple tracks - checking of symbols, shifting over - subroutines. Non Deterministic Turing machines.
Module V. Undecidability - Recursive and recursively enumerable functions. Universal Turing machine. Halting problem of Turing machine. Chomsky Hierarchy - Equivalence of regular grammar and Finite Automata. Equivalence of Unrestricted grammar and Turing Machine. Context Sensitive Grammars. Equivalence of Context Sensitive languages and Linear Bound Automata(LBA). Relation between classes of Languages.
1. J.E.Hopcroft, J.D.Ullman , “Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation”, Addison Wesley, 1990
2. K.L.P.Misra, N.Chandrasekharan, “Theory of Computation”, Prentice Hall, 1998
1) H.R.Lewis, Shistos H.Papadimitrou, “Elements of Theory of Computation”, Prentice Hall
2) John Martin, “Introduction to Language and Theory of Computation”, Tata McGraw-Hill,
3) Peter Linz, An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata, Narosa Publications, 2000
4) Thomas A.Sudkamp, “Languages and Machine - An Introduction to Computer Science”, Addison Wesley,
CS/IT 505 Data Base Management Systems
Module I. Data Abstraction - Data Models - Instances and schemes - Data independence - Data Definition language - Data Manipulation Language - Database Manager - Database Administrator. Overall system structure. Entity relationship model - Entities and relations -E-R diagram. Design of E-R database scheme.
Module II. Relational model - Relational algebra - Relational calculus. Network model - basic concepts - DBTG CODASYL model -Data retrieval and update - Mapping networks to files. Hierarchical models - basic concepts - Tree structure - Data retrieval and update -Virtual records - mapping hierarchies to files.
Module III. Relational commercial languages - Structured Query languages (SQL) - Query by example. Integrity constraints - Domain constraints - Referential integrity - Functional dependencies -Assertions and triggers. Relational Database Design. Normal forms. Normalisation using functional dependencies - multivalued dependencies and Join dependencies - Domain Key Normal Form.
Module IV. Query processing - Query interpretation. Equivalence of expressions - join strategies for parallel processing. Query optimisation. Crash recovery - failure classification - recovery mechanisms - shadow paging - stable storage mechanisms. Concurrency Control - Schedules - serializability - Lock based protocols - Time stamp based protocols. Transaction processing - storage model. - recovery from transaction failure. Deadlock handling.
Module V. Distributed Databases - structure and design - Distributed query processing. Recovery - Commit protocols - concurrency controls. Deadlock handling. Object oriented databases - object structure - class hierarchy - Multiple inheritance - object identity - physical organisation - object oriented queries.
Case study
1) “Data Base Management Systems”, Learning Material Series, Indian Society for Technical Education,
2) Arun K. Majumdar, Pritmoy Bhatacharya, “Data Base Management Systems”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1997
3) C.J.Date, “An Introduction to Database Systems”, 7th ed. , Addison Wesley,
4) Fred R. McFadelen and J.A.Hoffer, “Modern Data base Management“ , Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company Inc., Redwood City, CA, 1992
5) H.F.Korth, A Silberschatz and S.Sudarsan, “Database System Concepts”, Computer Science Series, McGrawHill, 1997
6) J.D.Ullman, “Principles of Data Base Systems”, Computer Science Press,
7) Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B.Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company Inc.,
8) Reghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, "Database Management Systems", McGraw-Hill International Edition, 2000
EB/EC/CS 506 Microprocessor Lab
1. Study of typical Microprocessor trainer kit and its operation.
2. Simple programming examples using 8085 instruction set. To understand the use of various instructions and addressing modes, Monitor routines - at least 30 examples have to be completed.
3. Programming examples to initialise 8255 and to understand its I/O operations
4. Programming examples to initialise 8251 and its operations
5. Programming examples to initialise 8253 and its operations.
6. Programming examples to initialise 8279 and its operation.
7. Demonstration of cassette interface
8. Demonstration of programming of different types of EPROMS 2716, 2732 etc.
9. A/D AND D/A Converter interface
10. Interfacing 8255 port to high power devices
11. Demonstration of stepper motor interface.
CS 507 System Programming and Hardware lab
Programming Assignments
1) Familiarisation of PC Architecture, interface cards
2) Introduction to low level programming
3) Introduction to assembly language programming in a suitable assembly language
4) Symbol tables
5) Different passes of the assemblers