CS 701 Computer Networks
Module I. Introduction - Network architecture - OSI Reference Model - services. Physical layer - review of data communication - digital transmission - transmission and switching - ISDN - architecture - terminal handling. medium access sublayer - LAN - MAN - ALOHA protocols. LAN - CSMA/CD - IEEE standards - Fibre optics - FDDI.
Module II. Data link layer - design issues - error detection and correction - Error correcting codes - Error detection codes. Elementary data link protocols - sliding window protocols. Protocol specification and verification. Finite State Machines and Petri Nets.
Module III. Network layer - design issues - routing algorithms - shortest path - multipath - isolated routing. Flooding - distributed routing - optimal routing - flow based routing - hierarchical routing - broadcast routing. Congestion control algorithms. Internetworking - bridges and gateway. Example system - TCP/IP - internet protocol - addressing scheme - IP header - subnet - Address Resolution Protocol(ARP) - Reverse Address Resolution Protocol - IP routing - dynamic routing.
Module IV. Transport layer. Services - connection management - addressing. Flow control and buffering - multiplexing - crash recovery - Finite State machine modelling. Example system - TCP/IP - UDP and TCP. Domain name system. TCP connection establishment and termination - TCP server and client - flow control. UDP - protocol - mechanism.
Module V. Session layer - design issues - rpc. Presentation layer - abstract syntax notation - data compression and cryptography. Application layer - design issues. Case study - Services provided at higher layer in TCP/IP protocol suite. File Transfer Protocol(FTP) - Telnet - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol(SMTP). World Wide Web(WWW) - Wide Area Indexed Servers(WAIS), WAP
1) Andrew S.Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks”, Prentice Hall India, New Delhi, 1997
2) Anil Ananthaswamy, “Data Communication Using Object Oriented Design and C++”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
3) Dimitri Bertsckers, Robert Gallage, “Data Networks”, 2nd. ed., Prentice Hall India, New Delhi, 1992
4) Douglas Comer and David L. Stevens, “Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol. I, II, and III”, Prentice Hall, New York, 1990
5) Richard Stevens. W, “TCP/IP Utilities - Vol. I, The protocols”, Addison Wesley, 1994
6) Sidnie Feit, “TCP/IP, Architecture, Protocols and implementation”, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1993
7) Uyless Black, “Computer Networks - Protocols, Statndards and Interfaces”, Prentice Hall India, New Delhi, 1994
CS 702 Object Oriented Modeling and Design
Module I. Overview of Object oriented System development – Object basics – classes – attributes – object behavior and methods – object response to messages – Encapsulation and information hiding – class hierarchy – polymorphism – object relationship and associations – aggregations and object containment – object and identity- static and dynamic binding – object persistence – meta classes. Object oriented systems development life cycle.
Module II. Object oriented methodologies. Object Modeling techniques. Booch methodology. The Jacobson et. al. Methodologies – patterns – frameworks – The Unified approach- Unified Modeling language – introduction – static and dynamic models – UML diagrams – UML class diagram – Use case diagram – UML dynamic modeling – Model management packages and model organisation – UML extensibility
Module III. Object oriented analysis Process identifying. Use cases – introduction – use case driven object oriented analysis – Business Process modeling _ Use case model. Developing effective documentation. Object analysis. Classification - identifying object relationship, attributes and methods.
Module IV. Object oriented design- Object oriented design process and Design axioms – Design patterns – Designing classes- object oriented design philosophy- UML Object constraint language- Designing classes. The process – class visibility-refining attributes-designing methods and protocols-packages and managing classes.
Module V. Distributed databases and client server computing –Distributed objects- Common Object request broker architecture- RMI – ACTIVEX/DCOM- Multi database systems. Software quality. Soft ware Qualtiy assurance – Quality assurance test – testing strategies - impact of object orientation on testing
1. James Rumbaugh et.al., Object Oriented Modeling and Design, Prentice Hall
2. Grady Booch, Object oriented Design, Benjamin Cummings
3. James Rumbasugh, Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson, The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, Addison Wesely
4. Stephen R.Schach, “Classical and Object oriented Software Engineering, McGrawHill,1999
5. Ali Bahrami, “Object Oriented Systems Development”,
6. Thomas Wu, "An introduction object oriented programming with Java", Mcgraw-Hill,1999
CS 703 Analysis & Design of Algorithms
Module I. Analysing Algorithms and problems. Classifying functions by their asymptotic growth rate. Review of data structures. Lists, queues, graphs and trees. Recursive procedures. Induction proofs. Proving correctness of procedures. Recurrence equations.
Module II. Analysis of searching and sorting. Insertion sort, quick sort, merge sort and heap sort. Lower bounds for sorting by comaprison of keys. Comparison of sorting algorithms. Finding max and min. Finding the second largest key.
Module III. Graphs and graph traversals. Strongly connected components of a Directed graph. Biconnected components of an undirected graph. Minimum Spanning tree algorithms.
Module IV. Transitive closure of a Binary relation. Warshalls algorithm for Transitive closure. All pair shortest path in graphs. Dynamic programming. Subproblem graphs and their traversal. Constructing optimal binary search trees.
Module V. Complexity Theory - Introduction. P and NP. NP-Complete problems. Approximation algorithms. Bin packing.Graph coloring. Travelling salesperson Problem.
1) A.V.Aho, J.E.Hopcroft and J.D. Ullman, “The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms”, Addison Wesley Publishing House, Reading, MA, 1974
2) Allen Van Gelder, Sara Baase, "Computer Algorithms - Introduction to Design and Analysis", 3rd ed., Addison Wesley, 2000
3) E Horowitz and S Sahni, “Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms”, Computer Science Press, Rockville, MA, 1984
4) Jeffrey H.Kingston, “Algorithms and Data Structures - Design, Correctness and Analysis ”, Addison Wesley, Singapore, 1990
5) Knuth, “Art of Computer Programming Vol II, Sorting and Searching,”, Prentice Hall
6) Thomas H.Cormen, “Algorithms”, Prentice Hall, 1996
CS 704 Computer Graphics
Module I. Overview of Graphics systems. Video display devices - Raster scan systems - Random Scan systems - input devices. Hardcopy devices - Graphic Software. Output primitives - points and lines. Line drawing algorithms - circle generating algorithms - polygon filling algorithms. Output attributes - Bundled attributes. Antialiasing. Graphical user interface - Logical classification of input devices.
Module II. Two dimensional transformations. basic transformations - translation - rotation - scaling. Matrix representation and homogeneous cordinates - composite transformations. Transformation between cordinate systems - Affine transformations. Two dimensional viewing - viewing pipeline - Windows to viewport transformations - clipping operations - point clipping - line clipping - polygon clipping.
Module III. Three dimensional object representations. polygon surfaces - curved surfaces. Spline representations - Hermite polynomials - Cubic splines - Bezier curves - B-splines. Octrees and BSP trees. Fractal geometry methods. Three dimensional transformations.. Three dimensional viewing. Projections. View volumes. Three dimensional clipping - Hardware implementation.
Module IV. Visible surface detection. Classification of visible surface detection algorithms. Back face detection - Depth buffer - A-buffer. Scan line algorithms- Depth sorting - Area subdivision methods octrees - BSP trees - octrees - Ray casting.
Module V. Shading . Illumination models - light sources. Basic Illumination models. Polygon rendering - constant intensity - Goraud shading - Phong shading . Ray tracing. Radiosity. Texture mapping. Color models. Introduction to Animation. Raster animation - - Key frame systems - Morphing - Motion specifications. Introduction to Virtual reality - Virtual Reality Modellling Language(VRML).
Text Book
Donald Hearn , M Pauline Baker, “Computer Graphics”, Prentice Hall India Pvt. Ltd.,1993
1) Alan Watt, Mark Watt, “Introduction to Animation and Rendering”, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1994
2) James D.Foley et.al., “Introduction to Computer Graphics”, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1994
3) “Computer Graphics”, Learning Material Series, Indian Society for Technical Education, New Delhi, 1996
Elective I
IT/EB/CS/EC 705(A) Digital Image Processing
Module I. Image representation and modelling - enhancement - restoration - Image analysis and reconstruction - image data compression. Two dimensional systems - linear systems and shift invariance. Fourier transform - Z - transform - Block matrices and Kronecker products - Random signals
Module II. Image perception - introduction - light - luminance - brightness and contrast - MTF of the visual system - visibility - function - monochrome vision models - color representation - color matching and reproduction - color vision model Image sampling and quantization - Two dimensional sampling theory -reconstruction of images from its samples - Myquistrate - aliasing - sampling thorem. Practical limits in sampling reconstruction. Image quantization - visual quatization.
Module III. Image transforms - Two dimensional orthogonal and unitary transforms - properties of unitary transforms - one dimensional DFT - cosine, sine Harmrd and Haar transforms
Module IV. Image enhancement - Point operations - contrast stretching - clipping and thresholding - digital negative intensity level slicing - bit extraction. Histogram modelling - histogram equalisation - modification. Spatial operations - smoothing techniques. Magnification and interpolation. Transform operations. Color image enhancement.
Module V. Image analysis and computer vision - spatial feature extraction - transform features. Edge detection - gradient operators - compass operators - stochastic gradients - line and spot detection.
1) Jain Anil K , “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing-” , Prentice Hall
2) Gonzalez Rafel C, Wintz Paul , “Digital Image Processing,-”, Addison Wesley
3) Pratt William K , “Digital Image Processing, “, John Wiley and Sons
4) Rosenfield Azriel, Kak Avinash C, ” Digital Picture Processing”, Academic Press Inc.
Elective I
CS 705(B) Simulation and Modelling
Module I. Basic Simulation modelling. The Nature of simulation - systems, models and simulation - Types of simulation - continuos and Discrete simulation - Application of simulation. Digital simulation of continuos system.
Module II. Generation of random numbers - statistical test for randomness - generation of random varieties. Discrete systems simulation -Components and organisation of discrete event simulation model - Time advance mechanisms - Event to Event model and fixed time incremental model. Basic structure of queuing model - steady state and transient conditions - Birth and Death process - Simulation of queuing systems.
Module III. Simulation software - comparison of simulation languages with general purpose languages - classification of simulation software. Modelling approaches - common modelling elements - desirable software features - General features of GPSS, SIMSCRIPT and SIMULA.
Module IV. Model Development process - introduction and definitions - principles of valid simulation modelling - verification of simulation computer programmes - general perspectives on validation - three step approach for developing valid and credible simulation models.
Module V. Introduction to visualisation in scientific computing - flow visualisation and volume visualisation - distributed and parallel visualisation - applications. High performance architecture for scientific computing - vector processors - multiple memory modules - attached vector processors - multiprocessor architecture.
Text Book
Averil M Law, David Kelton W, “Simulation Modelling and Analysis”, 2nd edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
1) Hugh J Watson, John H.Blackstone Jr., “Computer Simulation”, 2nd edition, Wiely Eastern
2) Harold S.Stone “High Performance Computer Architecture”, 3rd edition, Addison Wesley
3) Kai Hwang, “Advanced Computer Architecture”, Mc-Graw Hill Inc., New York
4) Hamacher.C.V, “Computer Organisation”, McGraw-Hill, 4th edition, New York, 1996
Elective I
EB/EC/CS 705(C) Artificial Neural Networks
Module I. Fundamentals of ANN – Biological prototype – Neural Network Concepts, Definitions - Activation. Functions – single layer and multilayer networks. Training ANNs – perceptrons – Exclusive OR problem – Linear seperability – storage efficiency – perceptron learning - perceptron training algorithms – Hebbian learning rule - Delta rule – Kohonen learning law – problem with the perceptron training algorithm.
Module II. The back propagation Neural network – Architecture of the back propagation Network – Training algorithm – network configurations – Back propagation error surfaces – Back propagation learning laws – Network paralysis _ Local minima – temporal instability
Module III. Counter propagation Networks – Architecture of the counter propagation network – Kohonen layer – Training the Kohonen layer – preprocessing the input vectors – initialising the weight vectors – Statisitical propertie. Training the Grossberg layer- Feed forward counter propagation Neural Networks – Applications.
Module IV. Statistical methods – simulated annealing – Bloltzman Training – Cauchy training -artificial specific heat methods. Application to general non-linear optimization problems – back propagation and cauchy training.
Module V. Hopfield net – stability – Associative memory – statistical Hopfield networks – Applications – ART NETWORKS – GENETIC ALGORITHMS –Bidirectional Associative memories- retreiving stored information. Encoding the association – continous BAMS
1) Linus Fe, Neural Network in Computer Intelligence , McGrawHill
2) Philip D.Wasserman, Neural Computing(Theory and Practice)
3) Robert Hecht-Nilson, Neuro Computing
4) James A.Anderson, An Introduction to Neural Networks
5) Jack M. Zureda, Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems
CS 706 Network and Operating systems Lab
1. Study of system level calls of a suitable multitasking operating system. Exercises involving the system calls. (E.g. fork(),exec(),create() etc. in UNIX.)
2. Inter process communication. Shared memory, messages, Semaphores and monitors. Implementation of typical problems(E.g. Bounded buffer, Dining Philosophers. etc.)
3. Study of Communication protocols. TCP/IP or a suitable protocol. Client server programming. Distributed algorithms. performance modelling of networks.
4. Internet programming using a suitable programming language and Operating system(E.g. JAVA)
CS 707 Computer Graphics Lab
Programming assignments on
1. Transformations
2. Polygon filling
3. Hidden surface elimination
4. Shading and Illumination models
CS 708 Seminar