Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Cusat Semester 4 syllabus (1999,2000,2001 admissions)


MRE/EB/EI/SE/CE/ME/EC/CS/IT 401 Engineering Mathematics IV

Module I

Complex Analytic functions and conformal mapping : curves and regions in the complex plane, complex functions, limit, derivative, analytic function, Cauchy - Riemann equations, elementary complex functions such as powers, exponential function, logarithmic, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions.

Conformal mapping: Linear fractional transformations, mapping by elementary functions like ez, sin z, cos z, sin hz, and cos hz, Schwarz - Christoffel transformation.

Module II

Complex integration: Line integral, Cauchy's integral theorem, Cauchy's integral formula, Taylor's series, Laurent's series, residue theorem, evaluation of real integrals using integration around unit circle, around the semi circle, integrating contours having poles, on the real axis.

Module III

Numerical Analysis : Errors in numerical computations, sources of errors, significant digits. Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations: bisection method, regula falsi method, Newton - Raphson method, method of iteration, rates of convergence of these method,

Solution of linear system of algebraic equations: exact methods, Gauss elimination method, iteration methods, Gauss-Jacobi method.

Polynomial interpolation : Lagrange interpolation polynomial, divided differences, Newton’s devided differences interpolation polynomial.

Module IV

Finite differences: Operators D,Ú,E, and d,Newton’s forward and backward differences interpolation polynomials, central differences, Stirlings central differences interpolation polynomial.

Numerical differentiation: Formulae for derivatives in the case of equally spaced points.

Numerical integration: Trapezoidal and Simpson’s rules, compounded rules, errors of interpolation and integration formulae. Gauss quadrature formulae (No derivation for 2 point and 3 point formulae)

Module V

Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations: Taylor series method, Euler’s method, modified Euler’s method, Runge-Kutta formulae 4th order formula,

Solution of linear difference equations with constant co-efficients: Numerical solution of boundary value problems, methods of finite differences, finite differences methods for solving Laplace’s equation in a rectangular region, finite differences methods for solving the wave equation and heat equation.

Books for Reference:

1. Ervin Kreyszig : Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wiley Eastern

2. S.S.Sastry : Introductory Method of Numerical Analysis, Prentice -Hall of India

3. Ralph G. Stanton : Numerical Methods for Science and Engg., Prentice - Hall of India

4. S.D.Conte and Carl de Boor : Elementary Numerical Analysis Analograthmic approach

McGraw Hill

5. M.K.Jani, S.R.K Iyengar and R.K. Jain : Numerical Methods for scientific and

Engineering Computations. Wiley Eastern.

6. P.Kandaswamy K.Thilagavathy : Numerical Mehtods , S.Chand & Co. K.Gunavathy

7. E.V.Krishnamurthy, S.K.Sen : Numerical Algorithms, Affiliated East West.

CS 402 Principles of Programming Languages

Module I. Programming Domains. Language evaluation. Evolution of major programming languages. Describing Syntax and Semantics.

Module II. Formal methods of Describing Syntax and semantics. Backus Naur Form. Attribute grammars. Describing semantics - Denotational semantics.

Module III. 2. Data types and ariables - Names - variables . Scope and lifetime. Expression and assignment Statements. Control structures. Subprograms - parameter passing - overloading - generic subprograms.

Module IV. Data abstraction and Encapsulation. Polymorphism and inheritance. Features of object oriented Languages. Smalltalk, C++ and JAVA. Design and implementation issues. Exception handling. Constructs for concurrency

Module V. Functional programming languages - Lambda calculus- Introduction to pure LISP. Applications of functional programming languages.

Module VI. Logic programming languages- a brief introduction to predicate calculus - Horn clauses - Logic programming. Introduction to prolog. Applications of Logic programming.


1. James Gosling “Java Programming Language”, Addison Wesley,

2. “Symbolic Logic and Logic Programming”, Learning Material Series, Indian Society for Tech. Education, 1996

3. Bjarn Stroustrup, “Design and Evolution of C++”, Addison Wesley, 1991

4. Michael J.Gordon, “Programming language Theory and its implementation”, Prentice Hall, 1991

5. Terence W. Pratt, “Programming Languages”, Prentice Hall, Ninth edition 1996

6. Ravi Sethi, “Programming Languages-concepts and constructs”, Addison Wesely, Second Edition, 1996

7. Robert W.Sebesta, "Concepts of Programming Languages",

CS/IT 403 Data Communications

Module I. Introduction - various types of communication systems - Modulation - Need for modulation - different types - definition - Expression, modulation index, bandwidth - Modulator - (Block level treatment ) -AM Modulator - Balanced Modulator - FM modulator - Phase modulation

Module II. Transmitters (Block level treatment ) - AM transmitter - Low level, High level, AM stereo transmitter - FM transmitter - FM stereo transmitter - receivers (Block level treatment ) - AM receiver - image frequency - super heterodyne receiver - AM stereo receiver - FM receiver - FM Stereo receiver

Module III. Digital transmission - Advantages of digital transmission - sampling - Encoding - Pulse communication (Block level) - pulse modulation - PAM, PWM, PPM - Modulation schemes - ASK, FSK, PSK , Quadrature PSK, QAM, data compression, bandwidth consideration - Two tone modulation - PCM , Delta modulation, PCM transmitter - FSK & PSK transmitter.

Module IV. Components in a data communication system - transmission path - transmission rate - bandwidth requirements - Shannon's theorem - channel capacity - Bandwidth, Signal/Noise Trade off - Modems - Switching - Multiplexing - Terminals - digital PBXs

Module V. Error in transmission - factors contributing to error - major impairments - error detection and forward error - correction - parity code - hamming code - block codes - convolution and cyclic codes - A R A approach to error control


1) Housley , “Data Communication “

2) Kennedy , “Electronic Communication System”

3) Taub & Schilling , “Communication Systems”

4) Uyless D Black , “Data Communication and Distributed Networks”

5) William Stallings, "Data and Computer Communications", Prentice Hall India

EB/EI/EC/CS 404 Computer Architecture & Organization

Module I. Basic structure of computer hardware and software - Addressing methods and machine programme sequencing - Computer arithmetic - logic design and fast adders - multiplication - Booth’s algorithm -Fast multiplication - integer division - floating point numbers - Control unit - instruction execution cycle - sequencing of control signals - hardwired control - PLAs - microprogrammed control - control signals - microinstructions- microprogram sequencing- Branch address modification- Prefetching of microinstructions- emulation-Bit-slice processors

Module II. Memory organisation-Semiconductor RAM memories-internal organisation-Bipolar and MOS devices - Dynamic memories - multiple memory modules and interleaving - cache memories - mapping functions - replacement algorithms - virtual memory - address translations - page tables memory management units - Secondary memory - disk drives - organisation and operations - different standards

Module III. Input-output organisations - accessing I/O devices - direct memory access (DMA) - interrupts - interrupt handling - handling multiple devices - device identification - vectored interrupts - interrupt nesting - Daisy chaining - I/O interfaces - serial and parallel standards - buses - scheduling - bus arbitration - computer peripherals - printers - plotters - VDUs -

Module IV. Introduction to microprocessors - Architecture of typical 8 bit microprocessor - Intel 8085 microprocessors - study of functional units. Function of various control signals - Design of CPU section with buffers and latches. Interrupt structure of 8085.

Module V. Instruction set of 8085 microprocessors - Addressing modes - Programming - examples - Instruction timing .Memory design - Design of memory using standard chips - Address decoding - I/O addressing schemes - I/O mapped I/O, and memory mapped I/O techniques.

Text Books :

Hamacher C V, “ Computer Organisation - 3rd Edition“ , Mc.Graw Hill., NewYork ,1990

References :

1) Pal Chaudhary P, “Computer Organisation and Design “ , Prentice Hall, New Delhi,

2) Bartee T C, “Digital Computer Fundamentals “, Mc.Graw Hill, New York, 1977

3) Hayes J P , “Computer Organisation and Architecture - 2nd Edition “, Mc Graw Hill,

4) Tanenbaum A S , ”Structured Computer Organisation - 3rd Edition”, Prentice Hall,

5) Goankar ,”Microprocessors Architecture Programming and Applications “, John Wiley

6) .Douglas V Hall ,”Microprocessors & Interfacing to 8085 Introduction to”, Tata Mc GrawHill

7) Ghose Sridhar ,”Microprocessors for Engineers and Scientists“

8) Lance A Leventhal,” Introduction to Microprocessors” Prentice Hall

CS/IT 405 Data Structures and Algorithms

Module I. Introduction to data structures. Arrays. Sparse matrices. Strings - representation. Implementation of abstract data type(ADT) string. Linked Lists. Representation of polynomials using linked lists. Doubly linked list. Garbage collection. Buddy systems.

Module II. Stacks, implementation of ADT stack using arrays and lists. Typical problems. Conversion of infix to postfix. Evaluation of postfix expression. Queues and Deques, implementation. Priority queues

Module III. Trees, definition and mathematical properties. Binary trees. Binary tree traversal- Preorder, inorder and post order. Expression trees. Threaded Binary Trees. Representation of trees using binary trees. Search trees. Balanced binary trees.

Module IV. Graphs. Mathematical properties - Degree - connectedness. Directed graphs - Directed acyclic graphs. Representation using matrix. Graphs traversal. Shortest path. Minimum Spanning Tree - Kruskal Algorithm. Symbol tables. Binary search. Hash tables. hashing functions.

Module V. File structures. Random Access files. Indexed Sequential Files. B- Trees and B+ trees. External and internal sorting algorithms.

Note : The course should be Taught using Object Oriented Programming Language JAVA


1) Aaron M.Tanenbaum, Moshe J.Augenstein, “Data Structures using C”, Prentice Hall International Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1986

2) Ellis Horowitz and Sartaj Sahni, “ An introduction to Data Structures”, Computer Science Press, Rockville, MA, 1984

3) Gregory L. Heileman, “ Data structures, Algorithms and Object oriented programming”, McGraw-Hill, New York 1997.

4) Jean Paul Tremblay and Paul G Sorenson, “An introduction to Data Structures with Applications”, McGraw-Hill, Singapore, 1984

5) Mark Allen Weiss, “Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++”, Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company Inc., Redwood City, CA, 1991

6) Mark Allen Weiss, “Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++”, Peach pit Press Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company Inc., Redwood City, CA, 1991

7) Michael T. Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia, “ Data Structures and Algorithms in Java”, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1999

8) Michael Waite and Robert Lafore, “Data Structures and Algorithms in Java” , Techmedia, New Delhi, 1998

9) Robert L.Cruse, "Data Structures and Program Design", Prentice Hall India, 3rd ed., 1999

10) Sartaj Sahni, 'Data Structures, Algorithms, and Applications in Java", McGraw-Hill


1. Transfer characteristics and specifications of TTL and MOS gate

2. Design of half adder and full adder using NAND gates.

3. Set up R-S & JK flip flops using NAND Gates

4. Code conveters - Binary to Gray and gray to Binary using mode control.

5. Asynchronous UP / DOWN counter using JK Flip flops

6. Design and realisation of sequence generators.

7. Study of shift registers and design of Johnson and Ring counter using it.

8. Binary addition and subtraction (a) 1's complement (b) 2's complement

9. Study of IC counters 7490, 7492, 7493 and 74192.

10. Astable and monostable multi-vibrators using gates - IC version Timing circuit using 555

11. ADC using dual slope method.

12. Study of MUX & Demux

13. ROM & RAM Chips - Verification as memories

CS/IT 407 Data Structures Lab

Implementation and study of algorithms in a suitable programming language for the following

1. Simple Programming Exercises in Java

2. Sorting and Searching

3. Linked List

4. Stacks and Queues and their applications

5. Tree Traversal and Set representatnion.

6. Exercises in graph representation of an application

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