Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Cusat Semester 3 syllabus (1999,2000,2001 admissions)


MRE/EB/EI/SE/CE/ME/EC/CS/IT 301 Engineering Mathematics III

Module I

Fourier series and Fourier integrals: Periodic functions, Euler formulae for Fourier coefficients, functions having arbitrary period, even and odd functions, half range expansions, Fourier integral, Fourier cosine and sine transformations, linearity property, transform of derivatives, convolution theorem (no proof)

Gamma and Beta functions, error functions - definitions and simple properties.

Module II

Special functions: Legendre polynomial, Rodrigue's formula- generation function, recurrence formula for Pn (x), orthogonality. Bessel function, Jn(x)- recurrence formula, general function, orthoganilty.

Module III

Partial differential equations: Solutions of equations of the form F(p, q) = 0, F(x,p,q)=0, F(y,p,q)=0, F(z,p,q)=0, F1(x,p) = F2 (y,q), Lagrange’s form Pp+Qq = R.

Vibrating string : one dimensional wave equation, D’Alembert’s solution, solution by the method of separation of variables. One dimensional heat equation, solution of the equation by the method of separation of variables, solutions of Laplace’s equation over a rectangular region and a circular region by the method of separation of variables.

Module IV

Probability and Statistics: Probability distributions: random variables (discrete & continuous), probability density, mathematical expectation, mean and variance of a probability distribution, binomial distribution, Poisson approximation to the binomial distribution, uniform distribution , normal distribution

Curve fitting: method of least squares, correlation and regression, lines of regression.

Module V

Sampling distributions: population and samples, the sampling distribution of the mean

(s known), the sampling distribution of the mean (s unknown), the sampling distribution of the variance, point estimation, interval estimation, tests of hypotheses, null hypotheses and significance tests, hypothesis concerning one mean, type I and type II errors, hypotheses concerning two means.

The estimation of variances :Hypotheses concerning one variance - Hypotheses concerning two variances.

Note: Treatment of the topics under Modules IV, V should be oriented towards application of statistical techniques to problems in real life.

Books for References:

1. Ervin Kreyszig : Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wiley Eastern

2. Potter, Goldberg : Mathematical Methods, Prentice - Hall

3. Churchill R.V. : Fourier series and Boundary Value Problems - McGraw Hill

4. Irvrin Miller & John E. Freind : Probability and statistics for Engineers , Prentice Hall of India.

5. Bowker and Lieberman : Engineering Statistics Prentice - Hall

6. Kirk - Patrick : Introductory statistics and probability for engineering science and

technology , Prentice -Hall

7. Parzen E : Modern Probability Theory and its Applications, Wiley estern.

MRE/IT/EB/EI/ME/CS/EC 302 Electrical Technology

Module I

Transformers : working principles and elementary theory of an ideal transformer, Constructional features of single phase transformer, emf equation, turns ratio, vector diagram , equivalent circuit, impedance transformation, transformer losses, flux leakage, efficiency, open circuit and short circuit test, load test. Auto transformer - working principle and saving copper, basic idea of current transformer and potential transformer, distribution and power transformer, applications , standard rating, IS specifications.

Module II

Basic principles of electrical machines: Concepts of motoring and generating action,

DC machines- Main constructional features, principles of operation, types of generators, emf equation, characteristics , applications, armature reaction and commutation, types of motors, torque, speed, and power, characteristics, applications, starting losses, and efficiency, speed control, testing, load test of dc machines.

Module III

AC Machines : Alternator- rotating field, speed and frequency, effect of distribution of winding, coil span, characteristics, emf equation, losses and efficiency, regulation (emf method only) ,applications, synchronous motor- principle of operation, over excited and under excited, starting, applications, synchronous capacitor.

Module IV

Induction Motor: Three phase induction motor, principles of operation, constructional features of squirrel cage and slip ring motors, torque-slip characteristics, starting, speed control, losses and efficiency.

Single phase induction motor: Principle of operation, types of single phase induction motors

Module V

Generation, transmission & distribution of electrical energy:

Different methods of power generation- thermal, hydro-electric, nuclear, diesel, gas turbine stations( general idea only), electrical equipments in power stations, concept of bus bar, load dispatching, methods of transmission, transmission lines, overhead lines and insulators, corona and skin effect of DC & AC distribution, substation ( elementary idea only)


Electrical Machines : By F.S.Bimbra, Khanna publications.

Advanced Electrical Technology : By H.Cotton, Wheeler publications.

Electrical Machines : Nagarath & Kothari, (TMH)

CS/IT 303 Discrete Mathematical Structures

Module I. Introduction to set theory –sets and subsets – operation on sets – sequences – characteristic functions – Introduction to logic propositions and logic operations – methods of proof – mathematical induction. Counting – permutations and combinations – elements of probability

Module II. Relations and Digraphs – properties of relations – paths in relation and digraphs – Equivalence relations and partitions – operations on relations. Functions – composition of functions – functions for Computer Science.

Module III. Introduction to graph theory – graphs – Eulerian paths and circuits- Hamiltonian Path and circuits - coloring of graphs - trees – minimal spanning trees

Module IV. Algebraic Systems – Semi groups and monoids. Groups – subgroups and homomorphism – group codes – error correcting codes

Module V. Partially ordered sets- Hasse diagram – isomorphism – extremal elements – lattice- properties of lattices .


1) J.P.Tremblay, R. Manohar, “Discrete mathematical Structures with Applications to Computer Science, McGrawHill

2) Bernard Kolman,, “Discrete Mathematical Structures”, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall India, New Delhi, 1999

3) John Truss, "Discrete Mathematical Structures for Computer Science", Addison Wesely,

4) Seymour Lipchutz, Marc Lipson, "Discrete Mathematics", Tata McGraw-Hill,

EB/EI/CS/EC 304 Digital Electronics

Module I. Number system and codes : Binary , Octal, and Hexa-decimal number systems - Binary arithmetic, Binary code, Excess - 3 code Gray error detection and correction - Boolean algebra - Minimization of Boolean function using Karnaugh Map and Quine - Mclusky methods - Formation of switching functions from word statements , realisation using NAND, NOR & X - OR Gates . Combinational circuits-multiplexer demultiplexer decoder encoder

Module II. Sequential circuits : Flip-flops - RS , JK & T & D flip- flops , shift registers - counters - Asynchronous and synchronous counters , Up-Down counter, Modulo counter, Ring counter, Johnson counter - sequence generators - Analysis of sequential circuits - state table and diagrams

Module III. Arithmetic circuits : Half adder, Full adder , Subtractor, Serial and parallel addition - Carry look ahead adder - Binary multiplication and division - Multivibrators - Monostable and astable multivibrators using discrete gates .

Module IV. Memories - ROM , RAM, EPROM, Programmable logic array, devices - Basic ideas - PLD architecture - PAL and PLA - Programming examples with software tools - Study of PAL 22v10

Module V. Logic families : DCTL, RTL, DTL, TTL, ECL, CMOS - Tri-state logic - specification and transfer characteristics of basic TTL interfaces, - Standard logic levels - Current and voltage parameters - fan in and fan out - Propagation delay , integrated circuit modules , noise consideration- interfacing of CMOS to TTL and interfacing of TTL to CMOS

References :

1) Taub & Schilling , “Digital Integrated Electronics”, Mc Graw Hill

2) Samuel C Lee , ”Digital Circuits and Logic Design”, Prentice Hall

3) A P Malvino ,”Digital Computer Electronics”, Tata Mc Graw Hill

4) Morris & Miller , “Design with TTL Integrated Circuit”, Mc Graw Hill

5) Peatman , ”Digital Hardware Design”, Mc Graw Hill

6) Ronald J Tocci , “Digital Systems, Principles and Applications “, Prentice Hall

9) Lloyd T L , ”Digital Fundamentals”, Universal, N. Delhi

10) Mercins , ”Switching Circuits”, Prentice Hall

11) MOS-LSI Circuits , Publication of Texas Instruments

12) Douglas V Hall , “Digital Circuits and Systems”, Mc Graw Hill

13) R P Jain, Principles of Digital Electronics

CS 305 Electronic Circuits

Module I. Semiconductor devices PN junction- barrier potential, biasing PN junction, - principle of zener and avalanche diodes - photodiodes -LDR - tunnel diode -PIN diode -varactor diode.Bipolar junction transistors - NPN, PNP types , current components in transistors Transistor configurations - Characteristics - current amplification factors - relations between alpha & beta - comparison - Field effect transistors : JFET - basic structures - principle of operation - basic principles & characteristics of phototransistors - UJT,.& MOSFET .

Module II. Small Signal amplifiers –- Biasing techniques - stabilization of operating point - h-parameters - CE RC coupled amplifier - concept of load lines- frequency response of RC coupled amplifier -- frequency analysis of R C coupled amplifier - lower cut-off frequency - upper cut-off frequency - 3 db bandwidth

Module III. Multistage Amplifiers& Feed-back amplifiers : Negative and positive feedback - Different types Pulse circuits - pulse characteristics - Pulse shaping using RC circuits - Differentiating and integrating circuits - clipping and clamping circuits - Transistor as a switch– Multivibrators.

Module IV. Power amplifier -classification - class A , class B, Class AB and class C - Transformer coupled & - Transformerless class AB push-pull Power amplifier - complementary symmetry power amplifier –Harmonic distortion – Heat sinks. Principle of sinusoidal oscillators - Bark Hausen criteria - RC - LC ,Crystal oscillators

Module V. Difference amplifier. Common mode and difference mode operation - CMRR - merits and demerits - use of constant current source, drift and offset problems -.Operational amplifier block diagram - Characteristics of ideal op-amps - Linear circuits using op-amp - -inverting amplifier, non-inverting amplifier instrumentation amplifier, adder, substractor, log and antilog amplifier, integrator, differentiator, peak detector, precision rectifier. Nonlinear circuits using op-amp-comparators , multivibrators , function generators - Active filters .

References :

1) Millman & Halkias , ”Electronic Devices & Circuits”

2) Bapat K N , ”Electronic Devices & Circuits”

3) Allan Mottorshed, ” Electronic Devices & Circuits”

4) Millman & Halkias , ”Integrated Electronics”

5) Boylestead & Neshelsky ,”Electronic Devices & Circuits

6) Schilling &Belove “Electronic Circuits ,Discrete & Integrated” TMH

7) Gayakwad, “ Op-Amp and Integrated Circuit”

8) Clayton,” Operational Amplifiers”

9) Sergio Franco “Design with Op amps & Analog Integrated Circuits” MH International

10) Theodore F.Bogart Electronic Devices & Circuits Universal Book Stall, New Delhi.

CS 306 Electronics Circuits Lab

1. Study of - Multimeter, Signal generators , CRO etc. and measurement of electrical quantities

2. Testing of Passive and Active components - Resistors , Capacitors, inductors , Transformers , diodes , Transistors, etc.

3. Characteristics of Active devices

4. Rectifying circuits

i) HW rectifier

ii) FW rectifier

iii) FW Bridge rectifier

iv) Filter circuits - Capacitor filter, inductor filter and Pi section filter

( Measurement of ripple factor, maximum ratings of the devices )

5. Differentiating circuit and integrating circuit.

6. Clipping & Clamping circuits.

7. Amplifying circuits Simple common emitter amplifier configuration - gain and bandwidth

8. . Oscillators –

9. Multivibrators - Astable only.

10. Circuits using OP- Amps

EB/EI/CS/EC 307 Electrical Machines Laboratory

Compulsory experiments

1. (a) Preliminary study of AC and DC Power supplies in the laboratory.

(b) Study of instruments and their mode of use

2. Open circuit characteristics of

(a) Self excited generator

(b) Separately excited generator.

3. Load characteristic of compound generator

4. Load characteristic of shunt generator

5. Study of face plate starter and starting of DC motors

6. Load characteristics of DC series motor.

7. Swinburn’s test

8. Polarity and transformation ratio test on single phase transfer.

9. O.C & SC test on single phase transformer - equivalent circuit

10. Load rest on single phase transformer.

11. Study of starting methods of squirrel cage and slip ring induction motor.

12. Load test on slip ring induction motor and study of characteristics.

Optional Experiments

1. Study of single phase motors.

2. Load test of DC shunt motor.

3. Poly phase connection of single phase transformer.

4. Load test on squirrel cage induction motor

5. Study of alternators.