Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Cusat Semester 5 syllabus (1999,2000,2001 admissions)


IT/CS 501 System Programming

Module I. Introduction system software and machine Architecture. – Instruction formats and Addressing modes – Program relocation – linking – one pass and two pass assemblers.- symbol tables

Module II. Loaders and linkers – absolute and bootstrap loader. Data structures for linker and loader linkage editors dynamic linking

Module III. Macros – macro definition and expansion . algorithms and data structures. Conditional macro expansion. Generation of unique labels. Recursive macro expansion

Module IV. Compilers – Introduction to grammars – lexical analysis and parsing. Different types of parsers. Intermediate code generation. Storage allocation. Code generation and optimization

Module V. Operating Systems. General structure. Process management and scheduling. Interprocess communication. Memory management virtual memory – paging and segmentation. File and device management – file system concepts


1. Leland L.Beck, “System Software – An Introuction to System Programming”, Addison Wesely

2. D.M.Dhamdhere, "System Programming and Operating Systems”, 2ond Ed., Tata Mcgrawhill

MRE/IT/ME/EC/EB/EI/SE/ CS 502 Industrial Organisation & Management

Module I

Organisation : Concept of organisation, characteristics of organisation, elements of organisation, organisational structure, organisation charts, Types of organisation- formal line, military or scalar organisation, functional organisation, line & staff organisation, project organisation, matrix organisation, authority and responsibility, span of control, delegation of authority.

Industrial ownership: Types of ownership- single ownership, partnership, joint stock company, co-operative societies, public sector, private sector, scientific management- review of different schools of thoughts.

Module II

Personal Management: Recruitment and training, labour turnover, operator training, suggestion systems.

Industrial safety: working conditions, environmental factors, psychological attitude to work and working conditions, fatigue, accidents and hazards.

Wages and Incentives: feature of wages, time and piece rate, different incentive plans, profit sharing, job evaluation and merit rating, factors of comparison and point rating.

Industrial relations: industrial disputes, collective bargaining, trade unions, workers’ participation in management, labour welfare.

Module III

Marketing Management: Concept of marketing VS sales approach, consumer behaviour and demand concept, buying motives, influence of income level, product design, new product distribution, pricing decisions, major price policy considerations, pricing methods and tools, break even analysis and marginal costing in pricing, sales promotion, marketing research, test marketing, marketing of services, advertising management- types of advertising, choice of media, economic and psychological factors in advertising.

Module IV

Finance Management : Tasks, evolution of corporate management, long term financing, equity, preference and debenture capitals, term loans, dividends and share valuation, legal aspects of dividends, short term financing, working capital influencing factors, cash budgeting, terms of liquidity, management of receivable and inventories, budgets and budgetary control-objectives of budgeting, classification, ratio analysis.

Module V

Management accounting: Fundamentals of book keeping, journalising, ledger accounts, subdivision of journal, cash book, banking transactions, trial balance, preparation of trading, profit and loss account, and balance sheet, adjustments.


1. Industrial Organisation and Management : Bethel, McGraw Hill

2. Principles of Industrial Management : Kootnz & Donnel

3. Financial Management : Prasanna Chandra, Tata McGraw Hill

4. Operation Management : Fabricky et al, Tata McGraw Hill

5. Hand Book of MBO : Reddin & Ryan, Tata McGraw Hill.

6. Industrial finance of India : SK Basu

7. First steps in book keeping : J B Batliboi

8. Management accounting : Hingrani & Bemnath.

EB/EI/CS/EC 503 Microprocessor System Design

Module I. Interfacing of Peripheral Chips with 8085 :- Programmable peripheral interface ( Intel 8255 ) - Programmable communication interface ( Intel 8251 ) - Programmable interval timer(Intel 8253 and 8254). Programmable Keyboard /display controller(Intel 8279). Programmable Interrupt Controller( 8259) - DMA controller (Intel 8257)-- block diagram, interfacing, initialisation program and its application s. Serial and parallel bus standards - RS 232 C , IEEE 488, Centronics

Module II. Architecture of typical 16 bit microprocessors ( Intel 8086 ) - Memory address space and data organisation - Segment registers and memory segmentation - I/O address space - Addressing modes - Comparison of 8086 and 8088 - Basic 8086/8088 configuration - Minimum mode - Maximum mode - System timing. – bus interface. Interrupts and interrupt priority management.

Module III. Instruction set, Assemblers, Assembly level programming and programming examples in 8086.Introduction to IBM PC Architecture, peripherals & interface buses.

Module IV. Introduction to 80386 ,80486,and Pentium family processors,- - interrupts and exceptions management of tasks - - Real, protected and virtual mode- Super scalar architecture , intelligent branch prediction and pipelining .Introduction to Pentium and Pentium pro architectures. Introduction to RISC & CISC architecture .

Module V. Introduction to microcontrollers - comparison with microprocessors - Study of microcontroller (MCS 51 family) - Architecture , instruction set, addressing modes and programming .,typical applications.

References :-

1) YU-Cheng Liu & Glenn A Gibson,” Microprocessor System , Architecture Programming & Design

2) Douglas V Hall,” Microprocessors & Interfacing-” TMH

3) Avtar Singh , “IBM PC/ 8088 Assembly Language Programming”

4) Scott Muller , “Upgrading and repairing IBM Pcs”

5) James L Hardey , “Advanced 80386 Programming Techniques

6) Intel Users manual for 8086, 80386 & 80486, Pentium & Pentium pro

7) “Microprocessor Systems”, Learning Material Series, ISTE, NewDelhi,1997

CS 504 Automata Languages and Computation

Module I. Finite State systems - Non Deterministic Finite Automata and Deterministic Finite Automata. Equivalence of NFA and DFA. Equivalence of NFA with and without epsilon moves.

Module II. Regular expressions - Equivalence of Finite Automata and regular expressions. Finite Automata with output. Moore and Meelay Machines. Equivalence of Moore and Meelay machines. Applications - Lexical Analysers. Properties of regular sets. Pumping Lemma for regular sets. Closure properties. Decision algorithms. Myhill Nerode’s theorem and Minimisation of Finite Automata. Minimisation algorithm.

Module III. Context Free Grammars. - Derivation of Languages - Derivation trees. Ambiguity. Simplification. Chomsky Normal Form and Greibach Normal Form. Push Down. Automata. Deterministic Push Down Automata. Equivalence of Push Down Automata and Context Free Languages. Pumping Lemma for Context free languages. Closure properties. Decision Algorithms.

Module IV. Turing machines - Computation - languages and functions. Techniques for Turing machine construction - storage in finite control - multiple tracks - checking of symbols, shifting over - subroutines. Non Deterministic Turing machines.

Module V. Undecidability - Recursive and recursively enumerable functions. Universal Turing machine. Halting problem of Turing machine. Chomsky Hierarchy - Equivalence of regular grammar and Finite Automata. Equivalence of Unrestricted grammar and Turing Machine. Context Sensitive Grammars. Equivalence of Context Sensitive languages and Linear Bound Automata(LBA). Relation between classes of Languages.

Text Books

1. J.E.Hopcroft, J.D.Ullman , “Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation”, Addison Wesley, 1990

2. K.L.P.Misra, N.Chandrasekharan, “Theory of Computation”, Prentice Hall, 1998


1) H.R.Lewis, Shistos H.Papadimitrou,Elements of Theory of Computation”, Prentice Hall India, New Delhi, 1991

2) John Martin, “Introduction to Language and Theory of Computation”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1998

3) Peter Linz, An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata, Narosa Publications, 2000

4) Thomas A.Sudkamp, “Languages and Machine - An Introduction to Computer Science”, Addison Wesley, Reading , MA, 1990

CS/IT 505 Data Base Management Systems

Module I. Data Abstraction - Data Models - Instances and schemes - Data independence - Data Definition language - Data Manipulation Language - Database Manager - Database Administrator. Overall system structure. Entity relationship model - Entities and relations -E-R diagram. Design of E-R database scheme.

Module II. Relational model - Relational algebra - Relational calculus. Network model - basic concepts - DBTG CODASYL model -Data retrieval and update - Mapping networks to files. Hierarchical models - basic concepts - Tree structure - Data retrieval and update -Virtual records - mapping hierarchies to files.

Module III. Relational commercial languages - Structured Query languages (SQL) - Query by example. Integrity constraints - Domain constraints - Referential integrity - Functional dependencies -Assertions and triggers. Relational Database Design. Normal forms. Normalisation using functional dependencies - multivalued dependencies and Join dependencies - Domain Key Normal Form.

Module IV. Query processing - Query interpretation. Equivalence of expressions - join strategies for parallel processing. Query optimisation. Crash recovery - failure classification - recovery mechanisms - shadow paging - stable storage mechanisms. Concurrency Control - Schedules - serializability - Lock based protocols - Time stamp based protocols. Transaction processing - storage model. - recovery from transaction failure. Deadlock handling.

Module V. Distributed Databases - structure and design - Distributed query processing. Recovery - Commit protocols - concurrency controls. Deadlock handling. Object oriented databases - object structure - class hierarchy - Multiple inheritance - object identity - physical organisation - object oriented queries.

Case study



1) “Data Base Management Systems”, Learning Material Series, Indian Society for Technical Education, New Delhi, 1996.

2) Arun K. Majumdar, Pritmoy Bhatacharya, “Data Base Management Systems”, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1997

3) C.J.Date, “An Introduction to Database Systems”, 7th ed. , Addison Wesley, Reading, MA, 20000

4) Fred R. McFadelen and J.A.Hoffer, “Modern Data base Management“ , Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company Inc., Redwood City, CA, 1992

5) H.F.Korth, A Silberschatz and S.Sudarsan, “Database System Concepts”, Computer Science Series, McGrawHill, 1997

6) J.D.Ullman, “Principles of Data Base Systems”, Computer Science Press, Rockville, 1991

7) Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B.Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company Inc., Redwood City, CA, 1994

8) Reghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, "Database Management Systems", McGraw-Hill International Edition, 2000

EB/EC/CS 506 Microprocessor Lab

1. Study of typical Microprocessor trainer kit and its operation.

2. Simple programming examples using 8085 instruction set. To understand the use of various instructions and addressing modes, Monitor routines - at least 30 examples have to be completed.

3. Programming examples to initialise 8255 and to understand its I/O operations

4. Programming examples to initialise 8251 and its operations

5. Programming examples to initialise 8253 and its operations.

6. Programming examples to initialise 8279 and its operation.

7. Demonstration of cassette interface

8. Demonstration of programming of different types of EPROMS 2716, 2732 etc.

9. A/D AND D/A Converter interface

10. Interfacing 8255 port to high power devices

11. Demonstration of stepper motor interface.

CS 507 System Programming and Hardware lab

Programming Assignments

1) Familiarisation of PC Architecture, interface cards

2) Introduction to low level programming

3) Introduction to assembly language programming in a suitable assembly language

4) Symbol tables

5) Different passes of the assemblers


Anonymous said...

Hi there,

I was wondering if you could please point me to the 5th semester Mathematics syllabus?

CECian -2001 batch

tech said...

click here to download latest cusat syllabus